Here are some of my favorite photos/figures from the lectures (note that these are stolen from the ppt/pdf files at the link below). Hopefully they will give you a taste of the wide range of topics covered, and inspire you to investigate further :)
Visualization of Supersymmetry (Giudice):
We live in the golden region, and would only see the "shadows" from the superspace.
Groove caused by an errant beam in the SPS beam pipe (Wenninger):
A healthy busbar, unlike the one that caused the September 19th incident... (Wenninger):
String breaking (Antinori):
The concept of strings is useful for describing pulling apart 2 quarks... eventually it becomes "easier" to pop a new quark-anti-quark pair out of the vacuum than to keep pulling.
Matter glacier (Servant):
Visible matter is the part of the glacier sticking out above the water, dark matter is hidden from view.
The ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker, lit up with a Sept 2008 splash event (Hoecker):
Do you see the Higgs? Ha ha, j/k.
The entire agenda is posted, including video! if you want to learn more.
A bientôt!